Pan American Mine for Sale Nevada

Patented Mining Claim in the Comet Mining District

Pan American Mine for Sale Nevada

For sale the Pan American Mine, a patented mining claim, in the Comet Mining District in Lincoln County, Nevada.

We are actively looking for a motivated owner who is willing to explore and develop this amazing patented mining claim. The Pan American Mine is 860 acres of patented mining claims.

You may find this article to be of interest. Click “Proposal to explore for Zn-Ag-Pb Deposits Near Pioche, Nevada.


Pan American Comet Mine patented mining claim for sale
Pan American patented mine for sale.
Patented mining claim for sale regional image
Pan American regional mage image.

Additional information on the patented Pan American-Comet Mines can be view on the internet by clicking here.

(As taken from the “Proposal to explore for Zn-Ag-Pb Deposits Near Pioche, Nevada”

Appendix: Pan American Mine History

• Exploration and Modest Production 1950s by Combined Metals Reduction Co.

• Grand Development Mining (Charlie Steen Of Uranium Fame) JV with Combined Metals 1964 to 1967 Developed and Mined Some Ore. Steen Introduced Trackless Mining.

• Patrick Harrison & Co. Produced 1973 -1976, Subleased to Bunker Hill 1976-1978.
Closed in Part Due to Slumping Zinc Prices.

• International Silver, Inc. Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona Signed a Lease-option
Agreement With the Property Owner (Combined Metals Reduction Co. Or Successors) In 2011. International Silver Did Not Carry-Out Any Work on the Pan American Property. Their Main Interest was the Acquisition of the Flotation Mill at Caselton Where They Explored the Historical Tailings and a Non-sulphide Zinc Deposit in the Pioche District. In early 2017 a new company, Altair Resources, staffed by many of International Silver people, acquired the Pan Am property and Caselton mill.

Pan American Mine / Gold Mines for Sale Nevada

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