Delano District mining claim for Sale Nevada

Patented Mining Claim in Elko County Nevada

Delano District Patented Mining Claim for Sale in Nevada

A patented mining claim for sale in the Delano District, in Elko County, Nevada.

We are actively looking for a motivated owner who is willing to explore and develop this amazing patented mining claim.

Delano District Mining Claim Approximate Boundary
Delano District patented mining claim for sale in Elko County.
Delano District Mining Claim Topographic Map
Delano Regional Location image.

This patented mining claim located in Delano District in Elko county, Nevada, is 75 acres, with the primary commodity extracted being Lead, with the secondaries being Silver, Zinc, Copper, and Gold. The first activity in the area was reported to be back in 1872 and has had several changes in ownership since.

Additional information can be found here @

  • The discrict was once organized as the Goose Creek District. Supposedly there were 90 locations made, with the main properties being the Cotton Thomas, Anna Carroll, and Providence.
  • Activity waned with the decline in silver price, est. 1905.
  • The mine was inactive until around 1917 when Roy Woods, and CB. Whinery 7 Associates began to work on the Delano claim, where they shipped ore to Salt Lake City from 1917-1920. The mine was then a steady shipper for ten years with an average of 30-50 cars a year.

Credit: Western Mining History

Additional information can be found at

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